• Phalen Park Picnic Pavillion (map)
  • 1600 Phalen Dr
  • St Paul, MN 55106
  • US

This year, more than 195,000 people in the United States will learn they have melanoma this year. This is a statistic that has, sadly, continued to increase each year. The entire MRF community is deeply committed to raising money in an effort to support melanoma research, education and advocacy through Miles for Melanoma event series.

REGISTRATION: Please note new fee structure. Rates will increase according to the dates listed. Register early to save!

Event Program

On Saturday, August 20, 2022, the Miles for Melanoma Twin Cities event will take place at Lake Phalen Park with the site opening at 7:30 AM CT for check-in and packet pick-up. The Opening Ceremonies will begin at 8:30 AM CT. The 5K will begin at 9:00 AM CT with a Closing Ceremony to follow after all runners have returned.

Fundraising Awards

We will have exciting fundraising incentives featured throughout the event season. You can preview our incentives in our Team Welcome Packet! If you are eligible for a fundraising award, you will be able to pick up at the event.


Free parking is available at the lot surrounding the Lake Phalen area. Click here for directions.