2023 Komen Minnesota Race for the Cure
Sunday, May 14, 2023
The Race for the Cure® is world's largest and most successful education and fundraising event for breast cancer ever created. In Minnesota we are celebrating our 30th year of making an impact. Each Race for the Cure® brings survivors, family and friends together and creates more breast health awareness. During the Race for the Cure®, survivors celebrate their victory over breast cancer. Participants support their loved ones in their fight against the most widespread form of cancer among women, and they commemorate all those who lost the fight. When you register for a Race or Walk, you are joining a community that understands the impact we have when we raise ONE more dollar, share ONE more story and go ONE step further. And not just on event day. Rally together, connect, cry with, and cheer on your friends and neighbors for an awe-inspiring, deeply moving event that raises critical funds for our loved ones affected by breast cancer and in memory of those we have lost.
8:30 am - Registration Opens
8:30 am - Hope Village Opens
9:30 am - Opening Ceremony at the Main Stage
10:00 am - Timed 10K Start
10:15 am - Timed 5K Start
10:25 am - 1 Mile Walk/Run Start
Phone: 1-877-GO KOMEN