2023 Walk For Wishes Minnesota
Saturday, August 5, 2023

We invite you to join us for our Walk For Wishes® Minnesota on August 5, 2023, at Minnehaha Regional Park! This family-friendly event will feature kid’s games and activities and an optional 5K or 1-mile route. You are welcome to walk, roll in a wheelchair, jog, or run if you like.
Walk For Wishes is a nationwide Make-A-Wish fundraiser that celebrates the more than 500,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds to fulfill future wishes of children with critical illnesses. It is a family-friendly event powered by wishes families, volunteers, companies, donors, and friends.
Proceeds from this event will be used to make wishes come true for Minnesota children with critical illnesses. We look forward to walking with you and are grateful for your support!
9:00 am – Registration Opens
9:45 am – Program
10:00 am – 5K Start
We rely on the dedication and passion of our volunteers to accomplish our mission of granting the wishes of children with critical illnesses. To provide our wish kids and families with the best experience possible, we offer many fulfilling volunteer opportunities. From wish granters and office assistants to fundraisers and event planning committees, we have the perfect fit for you.