tcm hot dash
Saturday, March 22, 2025
They say Minnesotans are a rare breed. We’re the kind of people who aren’t easily put off by sub-zero windchills, sunless days or snow piles so high you can’t see the neighbors’ house. But it’s this mentality that embodies what makes us strong, and what brings us together, even when nature wants to keep us indoors. Hot Dash is a winter-embracing celebration of the Minnesotan spirit, one that gets you out of bed to move, connect and party. So come out and run like your niceness depends on it. Run like a yeti. Run like the Zamboni’s coming. Or just run like someone who wants a victory drink on victorious winter day.
Run like a Minnesotan.
Light the fire in you.
Varies $49 - $70
Varies $49 - $79
TCKids Tater Trot
Through 12/31/2024 - FREE
3/22/2025 - Race Day - FREE
7:45 am Check in and registration opens
8:45 am 5K starts
9:15 am 10K starts
10:30 am KidsK starts
QUESTIONS? or 651-289-7700